The Gundam Wing fanfiction archive project began in 2003 with just a small handful if stories that I wanted to keep for reading offline.
In 2007 that changed when one of my favorite stories could no longer be found, so I began collecting fics and saving them to my computer in a effort to preserve all the wonderful stories that were rapidly disappearing from the internet.
As this archive was started as a way to collect my favorite stories, the majority of them are yaoi with Heero and Duo as the primary pairing.
I collect new stories fairly often, but I will only updated the posted archive list around the 1st of each month. Follow the archive on social media for updates.
There is no fanfiction posted on this site, the list is simply provided as a reference, please visit the Site Rules page for more information.
This site is intended to be viewed on a computer. Story titles may not accurately line up with author's name when viewed on a mobile device.