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Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is owned by Bandai and Sunrise. All fics are the property of the authors and I do not claim any part of any stories listed in this archive, except the ones I wrote. No money was made from any of these fanworks, which were created freely for the enjoyment of the authors and readers. 

Archive Key


  • Incomplete - not finished and most likely never will be.

  • In Progress - Author seems to be active, fic may be finished some day. 

  • Fics are listed in alphabetical order by author. 

  • Red-Listed Fics have been removed from net by the author or I have been  asked not to share copies. As such I will NEVER share a red-listed fic.

No fic warnings, pairings, summaries, or any other information will be listed, and though I have noted if a fic is incomplete, there is a chance I have missed some that are not finished. 

Pay attention to all warnings and author's notes before reading any story you find online after using my list as a reference.  As I collect all kinds of different stories, many may contain subject matter you may find offensive, distasteful, or 'triggering'.

Ratings range from G to NC-17

Most are Yaoi / shonen ai 

Things you may encounter: Citrus, angst, NCS, PWP, TWT, squik, A/U, fluff, sap, death, het, MPREG, gender swapping, S&M, slavery, and torture.


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